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Vidit Santosh Gujrathi vs Alireza Firouzja
Prague Chess Festival (Masters) (2020), Prague CZE, rd 5, Feb-16
Slav Defense: Exchange Variation (D13)  ·  1-0



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Kibitzer's Corner
Feb-16-20  lentil: AF goes pawn snatching in the opening and pays dearly for his effrontery!
Premium Chessgames Member
  beatgiant: What is the strongest reply to 11...Qxa2? It seems to me Black is still hanging on if White trades the exchange for two pawns with 12. Nb6 Rd8 13. Bc7.
Feb-16-20  lentil: <beatgiant>: I would think Nb6 is sufficient, but at chessbomb, SF suggests snapping off the B/f5 then harassing the Q. I cut/paste, with minimal comprehension (eval +2.39)

11... Qxa2 12. Nh4 Qa3 13. Nxf5 exf5 14. Qc2 Ne4 15. Ra1 Qb4 16. Rfb1 Qd2 17. Qxd2 Nxd2 18. Rxb7 Nd8 19. Rb2 Nc4 20. Bxc4 dxc4 21. Nb6 c3 22. Rb3 Ra7 23. Rxc3 Be7 24. Nc8 Rb7 25. Nxe7 Kxe7 26. d5 Kd7 27. Rc5

Premium Chessgames Member
  beatgiant: <lentil>
Yes, I missed the strength of 11...Qxa2 <12. Nh4> Qa3 13. Nxf5 exf5 14. Qc2. I can't find a decent defense to all White's threats.
Feb-17-20  beenthere240: This game will appear in some future “traps” book IMO.
Feb-17-20  belgradegambit: He who takes the queen's Knight's pawn will sleep in the streets.
Feb-17-20  ajile: This QGD London System hybrid seems to be quite popular now.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Check It Out: Stockfish says Firouzja would have been better off taking the second pawn and giving up the exchange:

12...Qxa3 13.Nb6 Rd8 14.Bc7 Ne4 15.Bxd8 Nxd8 16.Qa4+ Qxa4 17.Nxa4 +0.47 (27 ply)

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Premium Chessgames Member
  beatgiant: <Check It Out> Then maybe White should have played <12. Nh4> instead of the game's 12. a3. The threat is to play Rb1 after swapping off Black's bishop.
Feb-22-20  1d410: There is no rule Vidit just outplayed him... this time....
Premium Chessgames Member
  Everett: < b-17-20 ajile: This QGD London System hybrid seems to be quite popular>

Hmm? This is an exchange Slav, a favorite of Seirawan’s

Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: Portisch also did quite well with the Exchange in his day.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Everett: <perfidious> thank you for that, I’ll check is games out
Apr-15-20  The Rocket: This hole game continuation has already been played before with the exact same result..It's a losing line for black.
Premium Chessgames Member
  GrahamClayton: Firouzja could have resigned after 13.Qb3, but I suppose that he didn't want to become a possible candidate for a "micro-miniatures" collection/anthology.
Premium Chessgames Member
  keypusher: < Everett: < b-17-20 ajile: This QGD London System hybrid seems to be quite popular> Hmm? This is an exchange Slav, a favorite of Seirawan’s>

<perfidious: Portisch also did quite well with the Exchange in his day.>

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Repertoire Explorer: Mikhail Botvinnik (white)

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