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''Black and White'', London Tournament

Joseph Henry Blackburne3.5/5(+2 -0 =3)[games]
James Mason3/5(+1 -0 =4)[games]
Richard Teichmann3/5(+2 -1 =2)[games]
Samuel Tinsley3/5(+2 -1 =2)[games]
Louis van Vliet2/5(+1 -2 =2)[games]
Henry Bird0.5/5(+0 -4 =1)[games]
* Chess Event Description
''Black and White'', London (1893)

London, England (27 February 1893-3 March 1893)

1 2 3 4 5 6 Score Place/Prize ————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Blackburne • ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 3½ 1st £30 2 Mason ½ • 1 ½ ½ ½ 3 2nd-4th £10 3 Teichmann ½ 0 • ½ 1 1 3 2nd-4th £10 4 Tinsley 0 ½ ½ • 1 1 3 2nd-4th £10 5 Van Vliet ½ ½ 0 0 • 1 2 6 Bird 0 ½ 0 0 0 • ½ —————————————————————————————————————————————

"Black and White, a comparatively new journal of the highest artistic merit, decided to start a chess column; this, from our point of view, is a capital move, and one that other periodicals, which never mention the game, might well adopt. They decided to give £60 in prizes for a Tournament between some selected leading players; this was also an admirable move, and it is hoped the example set will be contagious. Another good move was to secure the assistance of Mr. L. Hoffer, whose name affords a guarentee of good management.

The next move was a meeting at Simpson's, on Friday, February 11th, at which the following six signed the conditions of agreement after some discussion: H. E. Bird, J. H. Blackburne, I. Gunsberg, James Mason, S. Tinsley, L. Van Vliet. We were not informed at the time of the source of the prize money. It is important to notice that Mr. Gunsberg, who acted informally as president, offered no objection and spoke of no difficulties, and the reasons of his withdrawl later were not apparent. His place was taken on the morning of play by Herr Teichmann, a steady solid player from the Fatherland, whose depth and occasional brilliancy had attracted the attention of experts at the Divan. All the other players are well known, and have more or less distinguished themselves in International contests by coming out among the prize-winners; Mr. Blacburne being admittedly at their head. The conditions were: (1) a one-round tourney, that is, each to contest one game with each; (2) every player to complete forty moves in the first two hours by his clock, instead of twenty moves in one hour as usual; (3) one round to be played daily; (4) rules as understood at Divan, as suggested at 1883 Tournament; (5) any dispute to be voted upon by competitors, &c."(1)

(1) British Chess Magazine, v13 n4, April 1893, p169.

Based on an original collection by User: TheFocus.

 page 1 of 1; 3 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. Tinsley vs Bird 1-0521893''Black and White'', LondonA84 Dutch
2. Blackburne vs Tinsley 1-0501893''Black and White'', LondonC30 King's Gambit Declined
3. Teichmann vs Bird 1-0601893''Black and White'', LondonB25 Sicilian, Closed
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  offramp: What is black & white and red all over?
Nov-27-13  RedShield: That's easy - a penguin with a suntan, perusing a newspaper.
Mar-21-24  Marcelo Bruno: Bird was not in a good form: he did only 10% of the total possible points.

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