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🏆 World Youth Championship (2012) Chess Event Description
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Player: Benjamin Bok

 page 1 of 1; 11 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. M Lapidus vs B Bok  0-1272012World Youth ChampionshipA33 English, Symmetrical
2. B Bok vs E Kozganbay 1-0382012World Youth ChampionshipB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
3. M Bortnyk vs B Bok  0-1272012World Youth ChampionshipC46 Three Knights
4. B Bok vs Bluebaum  ½-½242012World Youth ChampionshipC11 French
5. H Gabuzyan vs B Bok  1-0452012World Youth ChampionshipA07 King's Indian Attack
6. B Bok vs C Sochacki  ½-½612012World Youth ChampionshipB51 Sicilian, Canal-Sokolsky (Rossolimo) Attack
7. K Drozdowski vs B Bok  1-0232012World Youth ChampionshipD87 Grunfeld, Exchange
8. B Bok vs Y Zhou  0-1282012World Youth ChampionshipB48 Sicilian, Taimanov Variation
9. M Ismailov vs B Bok  0-1422012World Youth ChampionshipD76 Neo-Grunfeld, Nxd5, 7.O-O Nb6
10. B Bok vs V Borisenko 1-0272012World Youth ChampionshipC77 Ruy Lopez
11. R M Perez vs B Bok  1-0702012World Youth ChampionshipD98 Grunfeld, Russian
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Bok wins | Bok loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Nov-14-12  waustad: I was originally confused between the World Junior Championship and this. Here they are all in sections up to a specific age. There are U8, U10, U12, U14, U16, U18 with open and girls sections. From what I've read from other posters, somebody is considered U18 if he or she is below 18 years old on Jan 1 of this year.
Nov-14-12  notyetagm: <waustad: ... From what I've read from other posters, somebody is considered U18 if he or she is below 18 years old on Jan 1 of this year.>

Yes, so there are probably many 19-year olds in the U-18 section because they were 18 on January 1, 2012.

Nov-15-12  messachess: I guess our job is to spot the next big thing. I take it that China is not financing any trips for this. Anyone know where Chang Liu is from?
Nov-18-12  brankat: The tournament standings table looks exactly the same today as it did 4 days ago! Four rest days? :-)
Nov-18-12  supy: This is earlier today, games are started
Nov-18-12  whiteshark: GM Dariusz Swiercz became The World Champion U18. Congratulations!!
Premium Chessgames Member
  alexmagnus: The U10 section was won with by Nguyen Anh Khoi with 11/11! Let's see if the Vietnamese grows into something years later.
Nov-18-12  brankat: Nguyen Anh Khoi: 11/11! Talking about impressive!
Nov-19-12  Alien Math: FM Nguyen Anh Khoi

Article with picture of, Credit Susan Polgar page

Nov-19-12  brankat: I could not find FM Nguyen Anh Khoi in CG's players' database, unless they use different spelling. Or maybe because he is under 10 years old :-)
Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: Knowing how thrifty FIDE is, they are probably offering the winner a years supply of Twinkies.
Nov-19-12  brankat: Nguyen Anh Khoi's Fide ID card has his ratings at 1923.

Doesn't really correspond to FM designation. Or was the title based on his winning Asian U10 Championship, or something like that, regardless of the ratings?

Premium Chessgames Member
  alexmagnus: The FM title is obviously an automatic title for some youth championship, as there are many of those automatic titles in the FIDE title rules.
Premium Chessgames Member
  alexmagnus: And yes, winning ASEAN U10 would bring the FM title (and coming second or third the CM title).
Nov-19-12  brankat: Thank You <alexmagnus>.
Nov-19-12  waustad: Standings can be found here:
Premium Chessgames Member
  Peligroso Patzer: <notyetagm: <waustad: ... From what I've read from other posters, somebody is considered U18 if he or she is below 18 years old on Jan 1 of this year.>

Yes, so there are probably many 19-year olds in the U-18 section because they were 18 on January 1, 2012.>

Actually, as I understand the criterion, players had to be <under> 18 on January 1, 2012, to be eligible. Any birthday of an eligible player occurring so far during calendar year 2012 could not be more than his or her <18th> birthday (so there could <not> have been any players currently 19 years old in the tournament).

Nov-20-12  waustad: <peligro>I think you're right on that one.
Nov-20-12  vkwow: <hemateme> from what I remember correctly(having played before) the top prize is a dual core laptop. Still not that much, considering the expenses and that most regular tourneys pay out more in value.
Nov-22-12  SimonWebbsTiger: Chessbase provide a nice picture gallery of all the winners and names to look out for in the coming years!


Nov-22-12  notyetagm: Mark Crowther has got PGN for 543 games of the World Youth Championship (2012) in <TWIC 941>.


Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: Has anyone noticed all of the American flags, especially on the boys end of it? Several trophy winners brought the flag up to the presentation ceremony. I guess that's ok, very patriotic.
Nov-26-12  haydn20: Dylan McClain in NYTimes features the two US winners, Kayden Troff of Utah (U14) and Samuel Sevian of Cal., U12. He includes a win by Troff as Black against Vorontsov, a Ukrainian master. Here it is with DM's annotations.

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. c3 Nf6 4. Be2 Nc6 5. d4 cxd4 (avoids the well-known trap 5....Nxe4? 6. d5 Nb8 7. Qa4+) cxd4 6. cxd4 d5 7. e5 Ne4 8. Nc3 Nxc3 9. bxc3 e6 10. 0-0 Be7 11. c4 dxc4 12. Bxc4 0-0 13. Rb1 b6 14. d5 (too aggressive--better is 14. Be3) 14...Na5! 15. d6 Bxd6 (better is 15....Nxc4) 16. exd6 Nxc4 17. Ra4 Bb5

Nov-26-12  haydn20: oops 17. Rb4 Ba6 18. Ra4? Bb5 19. Rb4 Nxd6 20. Re1 (20. Rd4? is worse after 20....BXf1 21. Rxd6 Qc7 22. Kxf1 Rfd8) Bc6 21. Ne5 Bd5 22. Qh5 Nf5 23. Ng4 a5 24. Rf4 Rc8 25. Ba3 Re8 26. Bb2 Rc2 27. Bf6 (and now not 27....gxf6? 28. Rxf5! but)...27 Re2! 28. Rxe2 Qc7 29. Rfe4 Bxe4 30. Qg5 Rc8 31. Bb2? (31. h3) Qd8 32. Nf6+ Kh8 33. Rd2 Qf6! 0-1
Dec-12-12  Thanh Phan: Nguyen Anh Khoi: Chess is an entertaining subject:

"I want to later grow up, become a doctor for medical treatment for many. As a doctor I can still play chess, but if I pursue a chess path then I can not do other things."

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