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Roza Lallemand vs Maia Lomineishvili
European Team Championship (Women) (2005), Gothenburg SWE, rd 4, Aug-02
Sicilian Defense: Nezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack (B30)  ·  1-0



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Jul-08-06  outplayer: I saw it till 28.Nf5!. Instructive.
Jul-08-06  cyruslaihy: i saw 25 Bxg7 Bxg7
but i followed by 26 h6 then line up the queen for check mate, would it work?
Jul-08-06  ahmadov: Cannot black continue with Qe7?
Jul-08-06  thatsmate: I thought white would play 26. Qg5! Why doesnt that work? I've been trying to see black's response to that, and I cant... can someone point it out to me?
Jul-08-06  GilHamilton: <ahmadov> 30. ... Qe7 falls to 31. Qh6+ Kg8 32. Rg1+ Kh8 33. Qg7# or something a little longer involving black losing her queen.
Jul-08-06  ahmadov: <GilHamilton> Yes, quite right, thank you.
Jul-08-06  GilHamilton: <thatsmate> Black can respond with 26. ... f6, which defends the bishop and takes a critical tempo away from white by threatening the queen. White has to back down, and is now at a material disadvantage.
Jul-08-06  Wilson: I am looking for the refutation for 27. Qg5+ instead of Rg1

Lines I see are 27. Qg5+ Kh8 28. Qf6+ Kg8 29 Rg1+ Kf8 30. Nxe6#

and 27. Qg5+ Kf8 28. Qf6 Bd7 (28. ... Qe7 Qh8# and 28. ... Qd7 also fails)) 29. Rg1 followed by 30 Rg7 and mate follows.

Any idea where I have missed please?

Jul-08-06  Ziggy2016: thatsmate: If you look at my line it's the same idea and it wins material, black has many choices at different points but all of them are unpleasant. However, the text is better.
Jul-08-06  Ziggy2016: <Wilson> the position is complicated but as far as I can see there is no forced mate after 27...Kf8 28.Qf6 Ba4 29.Nxe6+ Ke8. As well 28...Qd7 seems to hold.

Jul-08-06  Open Defence: I think the key to this puzzle is Nf5 while most would guess that Bxg7 would be the initial move it is Nf5 that seals the combination
Jul-08-06  kevin86: Nice combination! The wonder of Nf5 is that it closes the trap on the king-without it,the chase becomes harder to complete.
Jul-08-06  asip87: fascinating! ive need time y is it for thread for 28. Nf5, after dat mate in 4-5 moves at least,quite obvious.
Jul-08-06  Joshua01: My analysis was similiar to <Wilson>.

<Ziggy2016> are you sure that "there is no forced mate after 27...Kf8 28.Qf6 Ba4 29.Nxe6+ Ke8"?

I don't have a board in front of me,
so my blindfolded analysis may be off, but here goes: 30.Ng7+ leads to either
30...Kf8 31.Nf5 and 32.Qh8#, or
30...Kd7 31.Qxd6#.
What am I missing?

As to 28...Qd7, how does Black deal with
the h6, Rg1-g8, and Qg7# line of attack?

Jul-08-06  RandomVisitor: After 27.Qg5+ Kf8 28.Nf5! there is a complicated forced mate:

click for larger view

28...Bc6 (28...Rc1+ 29.Qxc1 Bc6 30.Qh6+ Ke8 31.Nxd6+ Ke7 (31...Kd8) leads to mate;

29.Qg7+ Ke8
30.Nxd6+ Kd8
31.Nxb7+ Kc7
32.Qxf7+ Kb8 (32...Kb6 33.Rd3 Ba4 doesn't work)
33.Nd8 Ra6
34.Qxe6 Bb7 (34...h6 35.Rd6) and so on.

Jul-08-06  apawnandafool: easy sneezy
Jul-08-06  RandomVisitor: the 27.Qg5+ line is a mate in 18 after 28.Nf5:

25.Bxg7+ Bxg7 26.Rxg7 Kxg7 27.Qg5+ Kf8 28.Nf5

28...Bc6 29.Qg7+ Ke8 30.Nxd6+ Kd8 31.Nxb7+ Kc7 32.Qxf7+ Kb8 33.Nd8 Ra6 34.Qxe6 h6 35.Rd6 Bb7 36.Nxb7 Rxd6 37.Nxd6 Rc7 38.Qg8+ Ka7 39.Nb5+ Kb7 40.Nxc7 Kxc7 41.Qe6 Kd8 42.Qxh6 Kc7 43.Qe6 Kb7 44.Qd6 (#18) Depth: 27 00:07:35 254743kN, tb=37

Jul-08-06  aazqua: Got it! Nice combo - the weakness on the black squares was obvious so its just a quesiton of seeing the knight move. Of course, the knight move was sort of obvious as well. This reminds me of some fischer games where the pieces just seem to have fortuantely ended up in exactly the right place to complete the combo. Of course in fischer's case (and probably here), "fortuante" had nothing to do with it.
Jul-08-06  Ziggy2016: <Joshua01: are you sure that "there is no forced mate after 27...Kf8 28.Qf6 Ba4 29.Nxe6+ Ke8"?

I don't have a board in front of me,
so my blindfolded analysis may be off, but here goes: 30.Ng7+ leads to either 30...Kf8 31.Nf5 and 32.Qh8#, or
30...Kd7 31.Qxd6#.
What am I missing?

As to 28...Qd7, how does Black deal with
the h6, Rg1-g8, and Qg7# line of attack?
31.Nf5 Ke8 32.Qh8+ Kd7. There seems to be mate but only after 32.Rxd6 however.

Can't find any save against your h6 idea on the Qd7 line.

Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: I took over 15 minutes for this one ... at first I thought it did not matter if White took first with the Rook or the Bishop.

I found - what I thought to be one win - but then decided that I might be able to find something different. (And I found the continuation in the game.)

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Move order DOES matter.
(I found some tricky tries, that I was unable to refute just analyzing in my head.)

<[ 25.Rxg7!? Rc2!?, <(Or even 25...Bc6!)> ]>

25...♗xg7; 26.♖xg7 ♔xg7; 27.♖g1+?!,
This is not the correct move here. (But this was my second solution. AND ... it is also good enough to win here.)

<[ My first solution was:
27.Qg5+ Kf8; 28.Qf6,
which I thought was winning.
White's plan is Rg1, h5-h6 and then Rg8+! followed by Qg7 mate. (I originally thought that this was unstoppable. Note that 28.Qf6 forces Black to protect e6, because of the threat of NxP/e6+. And you should further note that Black can never bring his Queen to the e7-square, as Qh8# is the reply.) ]

I leave it to the industrious analyst to find out why his plan does not work ... Black has a brilliant saving resource. >

< [Best was: 27.Nf5+!! exf5; 28.Rg1+ Kh8; <(Or 28...Kf6!?; 29.Qxd6#. Or Black can try: 28...Kf8; 29.Qxd6+ Qe7; 30.Qh6#.)> 29.Qd4+ f6; 30.Qxf6+, ( ) and mate next move. ]>

27...♔f8; 28.♘f5!! ♖c1+!;
Apparently this was forced.
(I underestimated this move, halting my analysis after 28.Nf5!!, seeing nothing but mates.)

29.♖xc1! exf5; 30.♕xd6+, ... and Black Resigns.

Now 30...Qe7; is met by 31.Qh6+, followed by Rg1+ and mates. 1-0

Of course <RV> beat me to the punch, and was the first to point out that White missed mate in five. - A.J. Goldsby I

Jul-08-06  jperr75108: Got Bxg7 but only some of the following moves. Tough puzzle.
Jul-09-06  jmw128: It took a long while before I thought I had the correct solution...and to my dismay the game continuation was not what I found.

I went for the 25. Bxg7 Bxg7 26. Rxg7 Kxg7 27. Nf5+!! line because it seems simpler. Appreciated your analysis A.J. Maybe not the game line, but I like it better.

Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: Another important point is the Black Bishop on e8. If it were on d7, (or better yet, c6); then many of thse mates would not work.
Jul-09-06  patzer2: Wasn't quite sure whether to place the puzzle solution 25. Bxg7+!! in the mating attack or demolition of pawn structure category.

However, after looking at some of the detailed analysis above by <LIFE Master AJ> and other's, I'm putting it in my demolition collection.

Premium Chessgames Member
  LIFE Master AJ: Did anyone ever discover the refutation to my first solution? (given above)
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