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🏆 French Team Championship (2014) Chess Event Description
Played in Saint-Quentin, France 24 May - 3 June 2014. TWIC: ... [more]

Player: Almira Skripchenko

 page 1 of 1; 10 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. A Skripchenko vs S Alexieva  1-0832014French Team ChampionshipB30 Sicilian
2. P Donrault vs A Skripchenko  ½-½602014French Team ChampionshipE60 King's Indian Defense
3. A Skripchenko vs N Benmesbah  0-1762014French Team ChampionshipB30 Sicilian
4. M Nicoara vs A Skripchenko  0-1332014French Team ChampionshipE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
5. A Skripchenko vs J Santamaria 1-0372014French Team ChampionshipB10 Caro-Kann
6. N Maisuradze vs A Skripchenko  0-1402014French Team ChampionshipE11 Bogo-Indian Defense
7. A Skripchenko vs M Choisy  1-0362014French Team ChampionshipB25 Sicilian, Closed
8. A Skripchenko vs E Relange  ½-½92014French Team ChampionshipB40 Sicilian
9. A Skripchenko vs A Vuilleumier  1-0872014French Team ChampionshipA05 Reti Opening
10. B Taddei vs A Skripchenko  0-1362014French Team ChampionshipB01 Scandinavian
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Skripchenko wins | Skripchenko loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
May-27-14  notyetagm: French Team Championship (2014)


May-27-14  notyetagm: M Vachier-Lagrave vs Vaisser, 2014

Another tactical beating administered by <MVL>, this time a miniature in 22(!) moves.

May-27-14  notyetagm: M Vachier-Lagrave vs Vaisser, 2014

click for larger view

15 ... ♗e7-d6?

click for larger view

16 ♘c3xd5!!

click for larger view

May-27-14  mbvklc: A game worthy of recommendation: S Williams vs C Marcelin, 2014
May-28-14  waustad: This is probably why the French didn't send a women's team to the Mitropa Cup and their men's team has 3 IMs and one FM.
Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: One would think a French side consisting of Vachier, Fressinet, Edouard and Bauer (not to mention Bacrot) would have given a good account of themselves in the Cup.
May-29-14  notyetagm: French Team Championship (2014)

<perfidious: One would think a <<<French side consisting of Vachier, Fressinet, Edouard and Bauer (not to mention Bacrot)>>> would have given a good account of themselves in the Cup.>


The French team of 4 2700s will get their chance at the <TROMSK OLYMPIAD>, if it takes place. :-)

Premium Chessgames Member
  offramp: So. They are all in Saint Quentin. It's about time.

Throw away <la clef>, boyos!

May-29-14  waustad: Sadly for the Mitropa Cup there is also a major team event in France and also a big tournament in Hungary. The French could have gotten a team on the women's side with players like Julie Fischer, but somebody has to pay the bills, assuming that playing is what she wants to do right now. Taking the best French team against the best Austrian team on the men's side would look too much like Austerlitz, but the Austrians won by 3½:½.
May-31-14  fisayo123: Nice to see Vachier-Lagrave set his stall in the top 10.

Such a wonderfully gifted player who plays beautiful attacking chess deserves the recognition.

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