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Member since May-06-07 · Last seen Nov-18-13
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   yxcvbnm has kibitzed 34 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Oct-25-12 Falko Bindrich (replies)
yxcvbnm: the other side of the coin:
   Oct-12-09 Pan-American Junior Championship (2009) (replies)
yxcvbnm: < We will upload the final two rounds of this event when they become available.> you mean "the final 3 rounds" right? official site has parings of 9 rounds listed.
   Oct-07-09 Chessgames Bookie chessforum (replies)
yxcvbnm: no betting on european club cup? why?
   Sep-20-09 P Imbaud vs Strumilo, 1922 (replies)
yxcvbnm: as long as you know it´s a puzzle, it´s way too easy for "insane". ok there are quiete a lot moves to figure out, but there are almost no sidelines. so for me it was much easies than yesterday´s puzzle.
   Jun-26-09 Miles vs S Webb, 1973 (replies)
yxcvbnm: why not 25.Rh1+? to me it looks like a mortal blow.
   Jun-25-09 Uzi Geller (replies)
yxcvbnm: brother of uri geller? :-D
   Jun-06-09 A Herzog vs Leko, 1991 (replies)
yxcvbnm: i´m surprised. no kibitzing yet for such an inspiring game?
   Jan-24-09 Manuel Leon Hoyos (replies)
yxcvbnm: good to know that there are still gms out there with a drawing-percentage <30%
   Oct-30-08 Ingrid Oen Carlsen (replies)
yxcvbnm: ok including such games is really really poor. honestly.
   Sep-04-08 G Welling vs Mikhalevski, 2008 (replies)
yxcvbnm: i guess simply nxf4 and after qxf4 white is a bishop down, the attack is stopped and the rest of the game won´t have much left for white but pain and suffering.
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