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Member since Oct-14-07 · Last seen Aug-18-12
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   utrarapido has kibitzed 88 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Apr-28-12 Aronian vs Kramnik, 2012 (replies)
utrarapido: I just see exchanges and draw now. Blitz game beckons. Time to go back to work. Ciao!
   Jan-23-11 Carlsen vs Nakamura, 2011 (replies)
utrarapido: So Nak moves his Queen from b6 and x-rays a2 - but Nxe6 coming up now.
   Aug-29-10 C Van Tilbury vs A Zapata, 1980 (replies)
utrarapido: didn't see through to the end yet went for the main line (ie 22 Nf7+ as in the game). But it is worth pointing out 1 Rxd6!? (of course the trivial 1 Nxc8 Bxh4 2 Bg4 is strong but this is not insane!) and now: a) 1 ... Bxh4 2 Nxg6+ hxg6 3 Rxe6 b) 1 ... Rxd6 2 Bxf6+ Nxf6 3 Nf7+ ...
   May-11-10 Topalov vs Anand, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: Credit for the Bulgarians for hosting the match in a good spirit. Topalov benefited from 1.5 points gifted by Anand in a short match of 12 games yet still lost to a significantly older opponent. With Carlsen a major force in Chess it will be difficult for Topalov to gain the ...
   May-09-10 Anand vs Topalov, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: If either player is seeking to win this game, why do they exchange pawns? If neither player is seeking to win, why play any more moves?
   May-06-10 Anand vs Topalov, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: A strange game and - frankly - a surprising (if not suspicious) result.
   May-03-10 Anand vs Topalov, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: Hello again. Only possible plan is for the Knight to go to e3 and maybe threaten a mating attack with the Queen. Otherwise White cannot progress. However, this is unachievable because Black always has the resource ...Qxe3. So draw.
   Apr-28-10 Anand vs Topalov, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: Well, back in 1993 Chess world championship matches were on telly, the organisers only had to buy glass trophies, and Bobby Fischer had been in action the year before.
   Apr-25-10 Anand vs Topalov, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: Chelsea 3 Stoke (HT) Burnley 0 Liverpool 3(L) for all you Premier League fans out there.
   Apr-24-10 Topalov vs Anand, 2010 (replies)
utrarapido: Nigel Short: The variation I like is 25...Qf4 26.Rh6+ Ke5 27.Qxa5+! bxa5 28.Rc5 mate :) Indeed! Anand has been v. obliging & Topalov will enjoy demonstrating this after the game.
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