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Roberto Luiz Costa Andrade
Number of games in database: 44
Years covered: 1994 to 2018
Last FIDE rating: 2076
Highest rating achieved in database: 2218
Overall record: +12 -22 =10 (38.6%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games.

Repertoire Explorer
Most played openings
B30 Sicilian (3 games)
D12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav (3 games)
B43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3 (3 games)
B33 Sicilian (2 games)
C47 Four Knights (2 games)
D02 Queen's Pawn Game (2 games)
B32 Sicilian (2 games)
B45 Sicilian, Taimanov (2 games)

   🏆 American Continental
   R Teixeira vs R L Costa Andrade (Jun-09-18) 1-0
   R L Costa Andrade vs A Fernandez Cardoso (Jun-08-18) 0-1
   E M Sobrinho vs R L Costa Andrade (Jun-07-18) 0-1
   L Coro vs R L Costa Andrade (Jun-07-18) 1-0
   R L Costa Andrade vs R Benoit (Jun-05-18) 1-0

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FIDE player card for Roberto Luiz Costa Andrade

(born Sep-12-1959, 64 years old) Brazil

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FIDE Master

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 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 44  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. R L Costa Andrade vs L Ruppel  ½-½401994BRA-ch sfE76 King's Indian, Four Pawns Attack
2. E Matsuura vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0492000Paulisto-ch2B22 Sicilian, Alapin
3. R L Costa Andrade vs I Novikov  ½-½492003American ContinentalB97 Sicilian, Najdorf
4. G Garcia vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0392003American ContinentalB30 Sicilian
5. R L Costa Andrade vs Kaidanov  0-1382003American ContinentalC47 Four Knights
6. D Varela vs R L Costa Andrade  ½-½262003American ContinentalD13 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Exchange Variation
7. C Luconi vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0552003American ContinentalD02 Queen's Pawn Game
8. R L Costa Andrade vs S Arenas 1-0392003American ContinentalB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
9. G Needleman vs R L Costa Andrade 1-0302003American ContinentalD02 Queen's Pawn Game
10. R L Costa Andrade vs E Matsuura  0-1292005Brasilia Taca op 9thC47 Four Knights
11. R L Costa Andrade vs A Rodrigues da Silva  ½-½842005Brasilia Taca op 9thB50 Sicilian
12. D Lima vs R L Costa Andrade  ½-½422005Brasilia Taca op 9thB30 Sicilian
13. R L Costa Andrade vs Flavio Sanchez Leao  1-0422014American ContinentalC13 French
14. R L Costa Andrade vs J Chaves  1-0652014American ContinentalB63 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer Attack
15. S Alonso vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0742014American ContinentalB58 Sicilian
16. T Sousa Santos Filho vs R L Costa Andrade  0-1482014American ContinentalB25 Sicilian, Closed
17. R L Costa Andrade vs Y Santiago  0-1502014American ContinentalC14 French, Classical
18. H A Pereira vs R L Costa Andrade  0-1392014American ContinentalA01 Nimzovich-Larsen Attack
19. R L Costa Andrade vs M I Macedo  1-0262014American ContinentalB43 Sicilian, Kan, 5.Nc3
20. J Martinez Alcantara vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0502014American ContinentalA11 English, Caro-Kann Defensive System
21. R L Costa Andrade vs A V Escobar  0-1472014American ContinentalB47 Sicilian, Taimanov (Bastrikov) Variation
22. A M Arango vs R L Costa Andrade 0-1632014American ContinentalB56 Sicilian
23. R L Costa Andrade vs B Roselli Mailhe  0-1622014American ContinentalB45 Sicilian, Taimanov
24. R L Costa Andrade vs C H Umetsubo  ½-½752015Brazilian Championship 2014B18 Caro-Kann, Classical
25. K Mekhitarian vs R L Costa Andrade  1-0382015Brazilian Championship 2014D12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 44  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Costa Andrade wins | Costa Andrade loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Gottschalk: Full name: Roberto Luiz Costa Andrade - FIDE master.
May-18-15  zanzibar: It would be helpful if <CG> automatically logged name changes in the player's forum comments for reference.

Once upon a time <CG> knew this player as <Roberto Costa>.

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