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🏆 European Seniors Championship (2011)

Player: Matthias Kierzek

 page 1 of 1; 9 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. M Kierzek vs E Gulinelli  1-0312011European Seniors ChampionshipD67 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense, Bd3 line
2. N Gaprindashvili vs M Kierzek  ½-½402011European Seniors ChampionshipD52 Queen's Gambit Declined
3. M Kierzek vs A Rosino  ½-½182011European Seniors ChampionshipD91 Grunfeld, 5.Bg5
4. L Lederman vs M Kierzek  1-0492011European Seniors ChampionshipB18 Caro-Kann, Classical
5. M Kierzek vs D Norman  ½-½482011European Seniors ChampionshipD43 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
6. G Bisignano vs M Kierzek  0-1342011European Seniors ChampionshipB18 Caro-Kann, Classical
7. M Kierzek vs T Serra Olives  1-0352011European Seniors ChampionshipA70 Benoni, Classical with 7.Nf3
8. K I Norman vs M Kierzek  ½-½402011European Seniors ChampionshipA14 English
9. M Kierzek vs C Estrada Martinez  1-0392011European Seniors ChampionshipD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Kierzek wins | Kierzek loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Penguincw: Oh.Interesting.Is Viktor Korchnoi in this tournament?
Apr-10-11  Harvestman: What are the entry criteria for this? What makes a player a senior?
Apr-11-11  dakgootje: You have to have forfeited at least once because you fell asleep.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Penguincw: < Harvestman: What are the entry criteria for this? What makes a player a senior? >

I don't know.Maybe you have to be at least 65.I think there should be some wagering from this tournament.

Apr-11-11  soldal: "Participant can be any gentleman or lady who is registered by his ECU federation, and he reached his 60th birthday till 01.01.2011 or she reached her 50th birthday till 01.01. 2011."

Apr-11-11  Shams: Women live longer than men, yet become seniors earlier?
Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: I recognize a few names. Timsoshenko, Suba, and Nona G.
Apr-11-11  TheFocus: The time-delay feature would come in handy here. Besides, every senior is allowed to stop the clock once during the game for a few minutes nap or just to show off pictures of their grandkids.
Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: I'm sure Fischer would have demanded a patent, if such a feature could be put on a chess clock.
Apr-11-11  TheFocus: Wow! What an idea! A time-delay chess clock!

Maybe we could even try mixing the pieces in a random fashion on the first rank instead of that same old boring set-up. We could call it "Mixed-up Chess" or some such like.

Man, the future of chess is looking better every day.

Apr-11-11  Shams: <I recognize a few names. Timsoshenko, Suba, and Nona G.>

Kupreichik, author of the transpositional 5...Bd7 in the Sicilian.

Let's see...Algimantas Butnorius, uh, the "Notorious B.U.T." Strutinskaya, known for her ambulatory gamesmanship. Tomas Olives, who smells like pimento. Jan Rooze, master of japery. Giovanni "Who da cello!?" Iudicello. It's a murderer's row here.

Apr-11-11  zubenator: I believe it's 60 years for men and 50 for women. but I don't remember now where I saw that
Apr-11-11  TheFocus: <zubenator> <soldal> <"Participant can be any gentleman or lady who is registered by his ECU federation, and he reached his 60th birthday till 01.01.2011 or she reached her 50th birthday till 01.01. 2011.">

Scroll up.

Apr-12-11  Skakalec: Kortchnoi is not here. He is not senior any more. He is more like Methusalems now (together with Gligoric, Taimanov, Ivkov and few others)
Apr-12-11  TheFocus: Nice to see Nona doing so well.
Apr-14-11  Manuel G. Vergara: Every kibitzer here sounds funny eh! hehehe
Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: ...thats because we're typing underwater! (I'll be here all week, $10 cover, two drink minimum...)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Everett: So has Suba won? That would be great for him. Congratulations!
Feb-19-20  Nosnibor: Ken Norman seems to have played M Kierzek twice in this event. But no his opponent played his wife Dinah Norman! and it is wrongly stated on his games schedule.

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