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🏆 Swiss Championship International (2005)

  PARTICIPANTS (sorted by highest achieved rating; click on name to see player's games)
Daniel Gormally, Florian Jenni, Joseph G Gallagher, Keith Arkell, Alexander Cherniaev, Beat Zueger, Alexander Raetsky, Tamas Horvath, Heinz Wirthensohn, Hansjuerg Kaenel, Julien Carron, Alexandre Domont, Rico Zenklusen, Aurelio Colmenares, Simon Kuemin, Roger Moor, Markus Klauser, Michael Hochstrasser, Adam G Ashton, Emanuel Schiendorfer, Marco Gaehler, Andreas Huss, David Burnier, Alexandre Vuilleumier, Marco Lehmann, Thomas Heinatz, Michael Bucher, Martin Fierz, Kambez Nuri, Jonas Wyss, Lukas Muheim, Dorian Jaeggi, Andreas Lehmann, Ali Habibi, Kaspar Kappeler, Monika Mueller-Seps, Anton Allemann, Neboisa Illijin, Wolfgang Schmid, Ralf-Axel Simon, Fritz Maurer, Agripa Leib, Cedric Pahud, Daniel Good, Damian Karrer, Ruedi Staechelin, Sebastian Muheim, Tatjana Lematschko, Florian Schiendorfer, Martin Fischer, Patrick Springer, Donjan Rodic, Pascal Andrist, Marcel Schneider, Jean-Pierre Trang, Rene Deubelbeiss, Manuel Sprenger, Clemens Suter, Mathias Fabre, Roman Freuler, Albert Gabersek, Andri Arquint, Walter Baumgartner, Markus Andenmatten, Marcel Schmid, Philipp Mettler, Bruno Zanetti, Mathias Knobel, Marc Schaerer, David Schaffner, Ulrich Eggenberger, Bernhard Habicht, Nino Wilkins, Ruth Bohrer, Maria Heinatz, Corinne Roelli, Sebastian Vaswey, Juerg Butzerin, Harry Oesch, Philipp Keller, Nikolai Post, Guenter Stoffregen, Ernst Rindlisbacher, Kurt Notz, Steven Low

 page 1 of 6; games 1-25 of 134  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. T Horvath vs S Muheim  1-0222005Swiss Championship InternationalB03 Alekhine's Defense
2. M Andenmatten vs N Illijin 0-1172005Swiss Championship InternationalB41 Sicilian, Kan
3. M Schaerer vs M Klauser  0-1202005Swiss Championship InternationalA04 Reti Opening
4. J P Trang vs H Wirthensohn  ½-½292005Swiss Championship InternationalA07 King's Indian Attack
5. D Karrer vs A Raetsky  0-1162005Swiss Championship InternationalB45 Sicilian, Taimanov
6. K Arkell vs M Schmid  1-0362005Swiss Championship InternationalD08 Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit
7. J Carron vs R Bohrer  1-0322005Swiss Championship InternationalD02 Queen's Pawn Game
8. C Roelli vs D Jaeggi 0-1242005Swiss Championship InternationalE90 King's Indian
9. A Gabersek vs A Cherniaev  0-1312005Swiss Championship InternationalA00 Uncommon Opening
10. D Burnier vs B Habicht  1-0282005Swiss Championship InternationalD35 Queen's Gambit Declined
11. T Heinatz vs M Fabre  0-1382005Swiss Championship InternationalB62 Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer
12. F Jenni vs W Baumgartner  1-0312005Swiss Championship InternationalC18 French, Winawer
13. B Zanetti vs B Zueger  0-1382005Swiss Championship InternationalA58 Benko Gambit
14. S Vaswey vs D Gormally  0-1422005Swiss Championship InternationalD85 Grunfeld
15. J Gallagher vs Marco Lehmann  1-0332005Swiss Championship InternationalB31 Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation
16. A Domont vs F Schiendorfer  1-0412005Swiss Championship InternationalC15 French, Winawer
17. S Kuemin vs R Staechelin 1-0202005Swiss Championship InternationalD30 Queen's Gambit Declined
18. D Jaeggi vs N Wilkins  1-0292005Swiss Championship InternationalA40 Queen's Pawn Game
19. A Cherniaev vs M Gaehler  1-0202005Swiss Championship InternationalC02 French, Advance
20. H Wirthensohn vs Philipp Keller  1-0182005Swiss Championship InternationalD02 Queen's Pawn Game
21. F Schiendorfer vs G Stoffregen  1-0212005Swiss Championship InternationalD51 Queen's Gambit Declined
22. H Oesch vs S Vaswey  1-0232005Swiss Championship InternationalB22 Sicilian, Alapin
23. D Schaffner vs A Habibi  0-1292005Swiss Championship InternationalB23 Sicilian, Closed
24. M Fabre vs J Carron  0-1462005Swiss Championship InternationalE32 Nimzo-Indian, Classical
25. N Illijin vs F Jenni  ½-½342005Swiss Championship InternationalC84 Ruy Lopez, Closed
 page 1 of 6; games 1-25 of 134  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2)  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  cu8sfan: <> I've just submitted a bunch of corrections for these players. Hope you'll find them and will be able to update your records. Thank you very much!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Chnebelgrind: <cu8sfan> It seems we are the only 'Swiss'around. Excuse my english. I must look up each word in the dictionary.
Oct-19-05  BishopofBlunder: I guess the format for this tournament is the Swiss system. (Ba-dum-bum)
Premium Chessgames Member
  cu8sfan: <Chnebelgrind> As schint aso, jo. Vu wo kusch du denn? I bin z'Züri dahai. Dr <aragorn69> isch glaubs au no Schwizer, aber usgwanderet. Bisch das du uf dinam Bildli? (-:

<BishopofBlunder> Very clever! And you know, it's true. (-:

Oct-20-05  Open Defence: cu8sfan are you playing in this ?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Chnebelgrind: <cu8sfan> Ich wone au in Züri - sid zä Johr! Und so lang spili au nümme aktiv Schach. Vorher bin i i der Innerschwiz gsi und d'Jasskollege hend mi als Nidwaldner Chnebelgrind bezeichnet. Vo da der Name. S'Bildli isch glaub' e chli penetrant. Am Gottemeitli gfallts jedefalls nid. Aber diä Siite findi famos. I welem Club spilsch denn? D'Schwizermeisterschaft schint hiä übrigens niämmer z'beidrucke!
Premium Chessgames Member
  cu8sfan: <Chnebelgrind> Reti, und du? Schpilsch au ZMM? Miar zwai glichen üs jo abiz, mit Glatza und amana grossa Kopf. (-:

<Open Defence> No, I didn't. Maybe I will next year when the event takes place very close to my home.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Chnebelgrind: <cu8sfan> Vor me als zä Johr hani mit Altdorf gspilt. Z Züri bin-n-i i kem Club. I bi derzit nid aktiv, aber wenn i uf dene Siite da surfe, reizt's mi scho e chli!
Premium Chessgames Member
  cu8sfan: Denn kusch amol bi üs vrbei go luaga! Miar schpiland jeda Donnschtig.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Chnebelgrind: abgmacht!

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